Suriname is known for its religious freedom. It provides its citizens the freedom to choose and practice any religious faith of their choice. Some of the main religions in Suriname are:
The largest religion in Suriname is Christianity. According to the statistics 30.7% of the population in Suriname is Christian. Christianity can be divided into several denominations.
2. Hinduism
Hinduism is the second largest religion in Suriname and it covers 22.8% of the Surinamese population. The Hinduism can also be divided into several denominations.
3. Islam
The third largest religion in Suriname is the Islam with 13.2% of the population. The Islam can be divided into several denominations.
4. Indigenous Religions
Many indigenous inhabitants of Suriname are practicing traditional religions. These religions are mostly focused on the worshipping of nature and living beings. Ancestor worship is a common practice of such religions.