Suriname has a lot to offer its visitors when it comes to accommodation, be it a 3 or 4-star hotel? Suriname has it all covered!
A nice range of hotels, motels, guesthouses and lodges offer services for business travelers that are looking for efficient working environments, to backpackers in need of accommodation.
There are different types of hotels in Suriname with themes such as: Boutique, Business, Leisure/ Family, Downtown, Wellness and Bed and Breakfast.
Most hotels in Suriname do have restaurants, bars, conference rooms, swimming pools and the basic amenities such as a good internet connection, room service, clean towels, local travel guide, tea/ coffee machine, cooler, gym, parking and shuttle services among others.
In the interior of Suriname their are many accommodations available as well, varying from an adventurous camp in the jungle to a luxurious Eco-resort in natural surroundings. These resorts are a good fit for the entire family. The nature of Suriname and the lifestyles of some of the locals that are living in the interior can be experienced at some of these resorts.
Please feel free contact us for more information regarding accommodation in Suriname